
Find the assistance you need.

Funding and financial assistance remain one of the most important factors for businesses throughout all phases from startups to expansions.

Below you can find several sources in Oregon that will be able to help you either finance or find financial assistance for your business. 


  • Business Oregon: Direct loans and loan guarantees through finance programs. 
    Visit Business Oregon

  • Oregon RAIN: Resources to learn essential skills for understanding and managing business finances. 
    Visit Oregon RAIN

  • RAIN Capital Access: Crowdfunding platform exclusively highlighting Oregon businesses. 
    Visit Oregon RAIN

  • Linn County Loan Programs: Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments (OCWCOG) provides three loan programs for businesses in Linn County. 
    Visit OCWCOG

  • Benton County Loan Programs: Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments (OCWCOG) provides three loan programs for businesses in Benton County. 
    Visit OCWCOG

  • Low Income: Oregon Individual Development Account (IDA) Initiative invests in personal and financial growth of individuals. 
    Visit Oregon IDA

  • Growing Care: Growing Care is a state-funded program that connects family child care providers with training, resources, and grants in Linn, Benton, and Lincoln counties.                                                                                       Visit Growing Care

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